Similar to many Asian countries, tea plays an important role in Bhutanese social customs, used to welcome and see off guests. However, the tea in this Himalayan region has a special ingredient that sets it apart: butter. Butter tea, or Suja, is particularly popular and enjoyed by Bhutanese people of all ages and statuses.
- Tea leaves – 3 grams (about one small cup)
- Butter – 3 full tablespoons
- Salt – 2 tablespoons
- Milk powder – 1 tablespoon
- Hot water – 2 ½ liters
Preparing Suja
- Add tea leaves to boiling hot water (2 ½ liters) and boil until the water turns dark brown.
- Add more hot water to the tea to achieve a lighter brown color. Pour the tea into a cylindrical container called a jasum.
- Add butter, salt, and milk powder to the tea.
- Blend the mixture for about 1-2 minutes until well combined and frothy, using a piston to churn vigorously. This churning is crucial for developing the tea’s unique taste and color.
And now Suja is ready to be enjoyed.
Suja is more than just a drink; it’s a cultural experience that brings people together. Best enjoyed when the weather is a bit chilly, this rich and creamy tea offers a cozy comfort that perfectly complements the cool Bhutanese climate.
If you’ve been to Bhutan, hopefully, this drink will remind you of the wonderful memories and warm hospitality you experienced there. Give Suja a try and savor the flavors of Bhutan in every sip!
Tea is an important item for social custom in Bhutan. It is used to welcome and see off guests. Butter tea is popular among the Bhutanese irrespective of age and status. Tea leaves, prepared as described earlier, are brewed in a pot until the water becomes dark brown and then more hot water is added until it turns brown. The liquid is poured into a cylindrical container called jasum, and then salt and butter along with a pinch or two of bicarbonate soda are added and then churned with the help of a piston.
Although butter and soda are used as a catalyst to draw out the taste and colour, it is actually the vigour with which the liquid is churned.
- Tea leaves –3 grams/ one small cup
- Butter –3 full table spoons
- Salt—2 table spoon
- Milk powder—1 tablespoon
- Hot water—2 ½ litters
-Add tea leaves into a boiling hot water and boil until desired color
-Then separate the tea leaves from the water
-Add butter, salt and milk power and bland for about 1-2 mines